Musings, Reviews and

Answers to your Sex-Ed Questions

How to “decide” if you are gay
Musings Gwyn Isaacs Musings Gwyn Isaacs

How to “decide” if you are gay

The short answer is, you don’t. The letters are: Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Queer or Questioning Intersex Asexual + meaning if these words don’t feel right to you and hetero doesn’t either you still get to be under the umbrella.

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Do you miss your libido?
Musings Gwyn Isaacs Musings Gwyn Isaacs

Do you miss your libido?

I hear this from women so often! Here are some ideas to help you reclaim your libido. *Disclaimer: this is for folks who are experiencing diminished sex drive, which feels unusual. Although some of the tips can help raise your libido in general. It is not to try and keep up with your partner. Mismatched libido is another challenge we can have (you are normal, no matter what anyone tells you).

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Dating and Parenting
Musings Gwyn Isaacs Musings Gwyn Isaacs

Dating and Parenting

So, you’ve decided you want to have some adult fun. Rock on! You deserve to enjoy your life. However, your darling offspring have other ideas. They might guilt you for having a life, or rebel when asked to pick up a little more responsibility around the house.

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