Why I wanted to be a *Certified* Sex Coach

My Sex Coach U Graduation Certificate

My Sex Coach U Graduation Certificate

Some of my colleagues (and friends too) have suggested that spending time and money getting a certification from Sex Coach U as a sexologist and sex coach wasn’t necessary since there is no licensing board, standardized guidelines or practice methods. However, I feel as though that is a large part of why I wanted to do the work and graduate.

There are good and bad aspects of not being bound to a state or federal licensing structure. On the positive side, I have more leeway when it comes to how I handle the business side of coaching, as well as not running into potential legal issues when I know someone outside of our professional relationship. With my certification, I became eligible to join The World Association of Sex Coaches. I like this because they have a code of ethics, and I feel it is essential to know and state that I abide by these. However, not everyone does, which is fine, until it’s not.

Theoretically, anyone could post a page and call themselves a sex coach. I don’t think people have to or even should go through classes, or get certification, but I like knowing that the professionals I call on are trained well, so it seemed as though I should be as well!

There are lots of programs and certifications that a sex coach could have, and most of them would have served me well. I can honestly say the reason I chose SCU was nothing more than gut feelings coupled with a bit of research. SCU isn’t for everyone, but those of us who have trained there, have a wonderful sense of camaraderie, connection, and a vast network to continue to draw on as I work with clients. New information about our bodies and sexuality is understood almost daily, and it’s important to me to keep learning and growing, which is easy to access through the twice (sometimes thrice) monthly webinar calls hosted by WASC and SCU.

If you are interested in pursuing this type of education yourself, check out SCU, and see if it is a good fit for you. If you are already a sex coach or decide on another program, please consider joining WASC, we are stronger together.


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